⚙️Advanced keyword settings

The extra rules you can set for your tracked mentions

Some keywords are important to track but too broad to include without defining rules. You can define keyword settings by clicking on the three dots next to one of your keywords in the sidebar. Then click on Keyword settings, and a pop-up will appear.

Then head to "Advanced settings" to see all the options for refining your search.

You can define the following settings:

Exact match

Toggle on or off to decide whether you want a strict match or not. f this is turned off, we search for broad match, e.g., your term can show up within another term like a URL. If this is turned on we search for only this word alone standing.


Toggle on or off to decide whether you want a strict upper- or lower-case match. For example, if your primary keyword is RAG (upper case) you can toggle case-sensitive on to only get posts in your feed with the upper-case term RAG, not rag.

AND conditions

Set extra terms that must appear with your primary keyword. You can choose multiple terms, and we will then search for posts that include your primary keyword and ALL of these extra terms.

For example, if your primary keyword is GitHub and you have added the terms AI and Copilot in the AND condition field, we will only add mentions to your feed that include the word GitHub and AI and Copilot.

You can set only AND or OR conditions, not both at once.

OR conditions

Set extra terms that must appear with your primary keyword. You can choose multiple terms, and we will then search for posts that include your primary keyword and ANY of these extra terms.

For example, if your primary keyword is GitHub and you have added the terms AI and Copilot in the OR condition field, we will only add mentions to your feed that include the word GitHub and AI and/or Copilot.

You can set only AND or OR conditions, not both at once.

Negative keywords

You can add negative keywords (one or multiple separated by a comma). If you do this, we will exclude any posts mentioning these chosen terms. For example, if your primary keyword is GitHub and you've set Runner as a negative keyword, we will exclude mentions on your feed that include the word Runner in combination with GitHub.

Negative authors

You can add negative authors (one or multiple separated by a comma). If you do this, we will exclude any posts mentioning this exact author name in the author field. For example, you may want to add your own social handles here so we exclude any posts that you make from your own company or personal employee accounts.

Platforms per keyword

You can decide if, for a specific keyword, you want to exclude certain platforms. This can help if out of your 10 keywords, you only want 2 of them to be monitored in GitHub.

Last updated