🪄Relevance settings

Add context to your business to improve relevance scores

You can edit your company information and provide more context to improve the AI relevance scoring of posts for your business.

You can do this in your Relevance settings, which are located in the left sidebar of your workspace. We will use this information to contextualize the posts that we find and assess their importance to your company. You can add or edit your:

Company name

e.g., Octolens

Company description 

A few sentences describing what your company does. Try to aim for 2-3 sentences, not just your 1-liner pitch from your homepage.

e.g., Octolens is a social listening and selling tool that monitors platforms relevant to B2B software companies and sends alerts when somebody mentions your brand, your competitor, the problem you are tackling, or any other keyword that matters to you. Octolens helps its customers find warm leads by identifying sales signals in posts.

Additional context

If there is something important to note that should be considered when ranking your posts, mention it here.

e.g., My company's name Apple is also a common word apple. Therefore any posts that refer to apple in the common word definiton of a fruit or are unrelated to my industry should be marked as low.

Important to remember, you can also exclude words in your advanced keyword settings. In the above case you will probably want to exclude words like "fruit" or "breakfast" so posts that are clearly relating to the common word don't even count to your monthly mention limit.

Twitter handle

e.g., Octolens (don't add the @ sign)

Linkedin handle

e.g., Octolens (don't write company/Octolens)


Enter the specific category or type that best describes your company within a broader classification.

e.g., Social Media Monitoring & Social Selling


Enter the overall or broad category that best represents your company's industry.

e.g., B2B Marketing

Last updated